To give a bit of motivation, when running a particle physics analysis one needs to consider different systematic effects.
The correct way to do this involves applying one systematic effect at a time to the analysis procedure. Thus, in order to produce the analysis with systematics requires looping over all possible systematic effects. One could handle these systematics as a string and loop over a container of all strings, or store these in a JSON/XML file and parse it. Of course in C++, this is describing a single particular value among a list of pre-defined values which is perhaps best handled by an enum. Still, when faced with an enum type how does one loop over all possible values?

The key to this can be taken from two perspectives - one is the manner in which STL containers are looped over prior to C++11 and the second is that multiple enum names can be backed by the same value using assignment. Prior to C++11, one traditionally loops over an iterator from the container’s begin() method up to but excluding the iterator from the container’s end() method. With an enum, rather than listing all the values if one adds two extra values named BEGIN and END as follows:

enum Systematic {
    Nominal = BEGIN,
    // ...

then one can also loop over the values as

for(Systematic systematic(BEGIN); systematic != END; systematic=static_cast<Systematic>(systematic+1)) {

Of course, if one defines an enum with gaps in the values then the above cannot work as it clearly only increments by one. With that limitation, though, we’ve successfully iterated through an enum just by defining two special values. The downside is that the loop is downright awful.

We are free to define global operators which might be useful, though. Consider

Systematic operator+(Systematic s, int n) {
    return static_cast<Systematic>(static_cast<int>(s) + n);

If one’s confused by the inner static_cast, note that s + n by itself would invoke this function. With this we have at least eliminated the cast in the loop:

for(Systematic systematic(BEGIN); systematic != END; systematic=systematic+1) {

Of course we can go a step further and define

Systematic& operator+=(Systematic& s, int n) {
    s = static_cast<Systematic>(s + n);
    return s;

which produces a loop like

for(Systematic systematic(BEGIN); systematic != END; systematic += 1) {

For an even more iterator-like loop, defining the pre-fix incrementation operator as

Systematic& operator++(Systematic& s) {
    s = static_cast<Systematic>(s + 1);
    return s;


for(Systematic systematic(BEGIN); systematic != END; ++systematic) {

Personally, I don’t like the post-fix operator so I won’t bother with that. However, there are at least two things that we can improve upon here.

One is that the enum names are in the global scope. It would be better if one had to write Systematic::BEGIN. This is also important if one ever wants to have more than one iterable enumeration without resorting to gross tricks such as looping over BEGIN to END for one type and Begin to End for another. Clearly something as simple as a namespace would solve this scope issue, as would C++11’s enum class. Another solution, which I favor, is placing the enum inside a class.

The second thing I don’t like is actually having to specify that we’re looping from BEGIN to END. In my typical usage I wanted to loop over all systematics so I would like that to be the default behavior. Ideally, I would want to write code like this and then figure out how to support that syntax:

for(Systematic systematic; systematic; ++systematic) {

Clearly this requires two additional things beyond just being able to increment an enumeration value. First, we need the default value to be the BEGIN value, and we need to support truth testing. Both of these problems are easily solved with a class as the default constructor can ensure the correct value is chosen, and truth testing can be handled via the conversion operator to a boolean, operator bool(), which must be a member function.

Thus, the solution looks something like:

class Systematic {
    enum Mode { BEGIN,
        Nominal = BEGIN,
        // ...
    Systematic() : mode(BEGIN) { }
    Systematic(Mode m) : mode(m) { }
    operator bool() const {
        return mode != END; 
    Systematic& operator++() {
        mode = static_cast<Mode>(mode + 1);
        return *this;
    Mode mode;

This solves most of the problems. The last points to consider are what do we want something like if(systematic == Systematic::Electron_Up) to actually do. As-is, there’s no comparison operator between a Systematic and a Systematic::Mode. The comparison would require that a temporary Systematic is implicitly constructed via the second constructor and the comparison is made between two Systematic objects using the compiler generated default comparison operator, which simply compares the mode members. We could add a function such as

bool Systematic::operator==(Systematic::Mode m) {
    return mode == m;

and remove the implicitly constructed Systematic.

As a very useful extension of this enum inside a class pattern is the ability to then define helper methods that are clearly part of the class. For example, a method that returns the name of the systematic mode as a string, or returns the name of the TTree for writing/reading data. Combining such methods with a switch statement is even more powerful as the compiler can automatically detect missing cases. In the case that a particular change to the analysis is made for a variety of modes then one can end up with long boolean chains, like

if(systematic == Systematic::Electron_Up || systematic == Systematic::Electron_Down)

but a simple member function can fix all that:

bool Systematic::IsElectron() const {
    switch(mode) {
    case Electron_Up:
    case Electron_Down:
        return true;
        return false;

Now, of course with the plain-old enum we always had the freedom to define something like

bool IsElectron(Systematic s) {
    switch(s) {
    case Electron_Up:
    case Electron_Down:
        return true;
        return false;

and use if(IsElectron(systematic)). The object-oriented change to if(systematic.IsElectron()) isn’t fundamentally different, aside from the C++ class being closed to such modifications.

With C++11 syntax, is there opportunity for improvement? To an extent, yes. It is possible to enable the following code to work the same as our previous loop:

for(Systematic systematic: Systematic()) {

Perhaps the first approach one would have is to define a function which essentially just aggregrates all possible systematics using a pre-C++11 style loop, eg,

std::vector<Systematic> GetSystematics() {
    std::vector<Systematic> systematics;
    for(Systematic systematic; systematic; ++systematic) {
    return systematics;

which generates a loop like

for(Systematic systematic : GetSystematics()) {

This, of course, is just iteration through a STL container and therefore boring. However, digging into how the C++11 loops work we know that they rely on a begin and end function and a dereference operator. If we choose to define these as:

// static  
Systematic Systematic::begin() {
    return Mode::BEGIN;

// static 
Systematic Systematic::end() {
    return Mode::END;

const Systematic& Systematic::operator*() const {
    return *this;

then the loop

for(Systematic systematic : Systematic())

ends up working as one wishes. This particular implementation is still relatively incomplete. For example, we can only start at the beginning and we can only stop at the end. Iterating through just a subset is not possible directly - one needs an if statement in the body to weed out undesired cases. Also note the above begin and end member methods do not need to be static; they are only suggested as static because they do not depend on an instance of the class.

Taking this just one step further, we can reduce the repetitiveness of the C++11 loop with

for(auto systematic: Systematic())